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上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院 - 学校介绍
  • 2004

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国家首批全日制本科独立学院 上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院系国家教育部2004年批准设立的上海首批全日制本科独立学院,2021年获得上海市学位办硕士学位授予单位提早培育项目。由上海外国语大学和上海贤达投资有限公司合作举办。学校现有虹口、崇明两个校区,虹口校区地处市区东北部,毗邻上海外国语大学;崇明校区地处崇明区陈家镇,新古典主义和托斯卡纳风格的优美建筑与特有的生态环境相得益彰。 (虹口校区) (崇明校区) 雄厚师资与特色教研体系背景 学校依托上海外国语大学雄厚的师资力量以及外语教学与研究等方面的优势,建设以外国语言文学、经济与管理类学科为优势学科,以艺术设计学为特色学科,法学、教育学等学科专业协调发展的学科专业体系,现有6大学科门类27个本科专业,全日制本科在校生超万人。 学校坚持以学生的发展为中心,坚守“立德树人”的根本使命,弘扬“贤者惟德、达者善事”的校训,紧紧围绕“具有高尚情怀、全球视野和跨文化交流沟通能力的复合型、应用型人才”培养目标,积极探索“英语+”“数字+”复合型人才培养模式,推进新文科建设,强化国际化特色办学,提高教育教学质量,增强学校核心竞争力。 以英才计划为引领,以学科交叉融合为特色 学校积极开展教育教学改革。2018年起,学校实施“英才培养计划”,配备高层次教授队伍,为品学兼优、具备发展潜质的学生脱颖而出提供更优越的成长条件和更广阔的发展空间。2020年起,学校设立学生服务管理中心,下设学生发展部与学生事务部,坚持落实“全人教育”理念,促进学生德智体美劳全面发展。 校企合作资源丰富,全球知名企业提供实习实践机会 学校注重实践教学,强化学生应用能力培养。先后与东方国际集团、华东建筑设计集团、锦江旅游集团、用友新道、尚清实业、日本伊藤忠物流、松下电器、携程国际旅行社等知名企业建立校企合作关系,开展专业实习实践,培养高素质的复合型、应用型人才。 国际化教育理念与管理模式,与世界知名高校建立稳固合作关系 学校坚持开放办学,走国际化教育之路,积极引进国内、外优秀高等院校的先进教育理念和管理模式。师资团队中引进了50%以上的优秀海归教师,并先后与英、美、加、澳、德、法、西、瑞士、爱尔兰、匈牙利、日、韩、新加坡、马来西亚、埃及、约旦、阿联酋、中国香港、中国澳门、中国台湾等20个国家和地区的百余所知名高校建立了稳固的友好合作关系。学校通过学分互认、带薪实习、公费交流生、政府奖学金海外学习、本科双学士学位和本硕连读等项目为学生提供多样化、多层次海外学习、实习机会,感受多元文化,拓宽国际视野,提高跨文化交流沟通能力。近3年来,平均每年有16%左右的学生前往美国哥伦比亚大学、美国约翰霍普金斯大学、美国加州大学伯克利分校、英国剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、日本早稻田大学等世界顶级名校攻读硕士研究生。 地处“985、211”高校集聚区,跨校跨专业学习条件优越 学校关注学生的学习差异,实施全英语、双语分班教学,有针对性地提高学生的外语能力;同时,尊重学生的学习意愿,参与东北片(复旦大学、上海财经大学等)高校合作办学,为学生跨校辅修、选修课程创造条件。 创新、灵活、开放、包容,创建国际化知名应用型大学 学校不忘初心,坚持非营利性办学,坚守公益性办学方向。目前,学校正以其崭新的办学模式、灵活的办学机制、丰富的办学资源和内在的发展潜力,立足上海、面向全国,积极创建特色鲜明的,多科性、国际化、高水平的应用技术型大学。 About us One of the first full-time undergraduate independent institutionsin China Xianda College of Economics and Humanities, Shanghai International Studies University, was co-founded in 2004 by Shanghai International Studies University and Shanghai Xianda Investment Co., Ltd., and was one of the first full-time independent institutions of higher education in Shanghai approved by the Ministry of Education. In 2021, the college won the approval of the Degree Office of Shanghai Municipality for starting the MA program inculbation project. The college now possesses two campuses: Hongkou and Chongming. Hongkou Campus is located in the heart of northeast downtown in Shanghai, adjacent to Shanghai International Studies University, whereas Chongming Campus is situated in Chenjia Town, Chongming District, featuring a combination of a beautiful neoclassical Tuscan style architecture and unique ecological environment. Strong faculty with unique teaching and research system Relying on the strong teaching faculty of Shanghai International Studies University and its advantages in foreign language teaching and research, Xianda builds a disciplinary system featured by dominant disciplines of foreign language and literature, economics and management, distinctive disciplines of art and design, and coordinated development of law, education, and other disciplines. Currently, our college offers 27 undergraduate programs in six broad disciplines, with more than 10thousand full-time undergraduate students. Centering on the development of students, Xianda adheres to the cultivation of inter-disciplinary and practice-oriented talents with noble feelings, global vision, and cross-cultural communication skills, mission of strengthening morality education, and promotion of the Virtuous for Integrity, the Worthy for Prosperity. It has actively explored the training model of cultivating inter-disciplinary talents with a good command of English language skills and digital+ majors, promoted the construction of new liberal arts, strengthened the international characteristics of operation, improved the quality of education and teaching,and enhanced its core competitiveness. WithTalent Programas the core, Xianda insists on interdisciplinarycharacteristics. Xianda has been encouraging educational and teaching reform. In 2018, Xianda launched an innovative Talent Training Program. A team of top-level professors is formed to assess and guide the selection process of the talent program. This new scheme is the latest initiative in the college's mission to develop its own talent pool among undergraduates. What's more, since 2020, Xianda has set up a student serviceandmanagement center, consisting of student development department and student affairs department and adhering to the concept of holistic education, to promote all-round development of students'moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labour education. Rich resources in enterprise cooperation; targeted internships in world-renowned companies Xianda values practical teaching and helps students to apply theory to practice. It has established a close relationship with prestigious organizations such as Orient International (Holding) Co., Ltd., East China Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd., Jin Jiang Travel, Seentao Technology Co., Ltd., Shangqing Industrial (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., Itochu Logistics, Panasonic, and Ctrip International Travel Service. Such relationship has provided numerous opportunities for practical work experience. With the international education concept & management model, Xianda provides opportunities for students' further study in the world's prestigious universities. Adhering to the open mode of running the college, Xianda takes the path of globalization of higher education by introducing advanced educational concepts and management models adopted in outstanding institutions of higher learning at home and abroad. More than 50% of the teaching faculty are talented returnees. Xianda has also established solid, friendly, and cooperative partnerships with over 100 prestigious universities in 20 countries and regions, including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Ireland, Hungary, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong China, Macau China, and Taiwan China. Through programs of credit transfer, co-operative internship, student exchange, government scholarship, dual bachelor's degrees, and combined bachelor's and master's degree programs, it offers students a variety of overseas opportunities to involve them in different international contexts to develop their global outlook and to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. Over the past 3 years, an average of approximately 16% of students per annum have been enrolled in postgraduate studies at leading universities such as the University of Columbia, Johns Hopkins University, University of California-Berkeley, Cambridge University, University College London (UCL)and Waseda University. Located in the 985, 211 university cluster area, Xianda has access to inter-university and inter-major learning programs Xianda embraces students'individuality and enhances their foreign language skills by offering a varied, wide selection of English or bilingual classes. At the same time, Xianda respects students'desire for knowledge, and as a member of the Northeast Shanghai University Cooperative Alliance, it provides students with access to minor and selective courses in Fudan University, Shanghai Finance and Economics University, etc. Beinginnovative, flexible, open, and inclusive, Xianda evolves intoan internationallyrenowned application-oriented university Xianda remains true to its original aspiration insisting on non-profit education and its educationalmission for public welfare. At present, with its brand-new education system, flexible mechanism, rich resources, and inherent development potential, and having Shanghai as its foothold and recruiting students throughout the country, Xianda is actively endeavoring to build itself into a high-level international university of applied technology with distinctive characteristics and multiple disciplines.