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更新:2023-09-18 11:25:23 高考升学网


1. What did the doctor say? 医生怎么说?

2. Jack is up and about now. 杰克病后复原了。

3. The doctor says that I should take quinine. 医生说我应该服用奎宁。

4. What sort of medicine do you take? 你吃的是什么药?

5. The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。

6. I had a shot of penicillin. 我打了一针青霉素。

7. You have to be operated on. 你得做手术。

8. He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood Pssure. 他给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

9. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 你好,我找格林先生。

10. Just a moment. 等一会儿。


1. Hold on. 等一会儿。

2. He’s not in. May I take a message for him? 他不在,我能替他捎个口信吗?

3. Yes, please. 是的,麻烦了。

4. Would you answer the phone please? 你能接下电话吗?

5. I want to make a long distance call. 我想打个长途电话。

6. This is Mary Speaking. 我是玛丽。

7. Would you tell Mr. Green that I called? 你能告诉格林先生我给他打了个电话吗?

8. I must have dialed a wrong number. 我一定拨错号了。

9. I couldn’t get through. 我打不通。

10. I have to hang up now. 我得挂电话了。

11. Would you call back tomorrow? 你能明天回个电话吗?

12. There’s something wrong with the phone. 电话出了点儿毛病。

13. I tried to call you, but the line was busy. 我试着给你打电话,但老占线。

14. I have received a letter from my cousin. 我收到了我表兄的信。

15. I haven’t heard from him for a long time. 我很久没有收到他的信了。

16. Send a postcard to me when you arrive in Shanghai. 你到上海以后给我发张明信片。

17. I put some photographs in the envelope. 我在信里夹了几张照片。

18. He hasn’t answered my letter yet. 他还没有给我回信。

19. My mother mailed me a parcel. 我妈给我寄了一个包裹。

20. We keep in touch with each other by Email since he left China. 他离开中国以后,我们用Email保持联系。


1. Don’t forget to put stamps on your letter. 别忘了贴邮票。

2. How long does it take for a letter to get to America from Beijing? 信从北京到美国要多久?

3. You’ve got an exPss mail. 你有特快专递。

4. To make it fast, you can send a fax. 要想快点的话就发个传真。

5. My mother has sent me a registered letter. I guess she has something important to tell me. 我妈给我发了一封挂号信,我想她有什么重要的事情要说。

6. I found my name on the blackboard. I must have got a remittance. 我在黑板上看到我的名字,肯定有我的汇款。

7. Do you want to airmail it or not? 你想发航空信吗?

8. I dropped the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office. 我把信塞进邮局前面的邮筒里。

9. You look radiant tonight. 你今晚真是光彩照人。

10. It was a terrible experience. 那是一次可怕的经历。

11. I am on top of the world. 我高兴到了极点。

12. The dinner was wonderful. 晚餐棒极了。

13. The Christmas tree is gorgeous. 圣诞树真华美。

14. What a boring movie it is! 多么无聊的一场电影啊。

15. How can he give us such a tedious lecture! 他怎么能做这么沉闷乏味的演讲。

16. How fragrant the flowers are! 这些花真香!

17. The party is making too much noise. 这次聚会太吵了。

18. You look elegant in that dress. 你穿这条裙子显的很漂亮。

19. The coat doesn’t suit you. 这件外衣不太适合你。

20. His flattery makes me sick. 他的恭维让我恶心。



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